1:1 Coaching
Introductory Life coaching offer: simple & transparent
The success of working with a coach is your ability to trust him or her. So I like starting a relationship with a small commitment of 6 sessions, which is enough to really get to know each other and get some progress. From there we define if we want to pursue our work for a more sustainable term or if we’ve done the job you needed to move forward.
The 6-session package ($830) includes:
60 up to 90 min. weekly sessions
10 min. of educational content at the beginning of each session to align our references
All sessions are recorded and shared on a secured google drive
Be aware: Not everyone is suited for my services. My ways of navigating work, relationships, and coaching can be bold and can question many common societal beliefs…
Do you want to reserve a free call with me to see if we are a fit?
Fill out this application, I will get back to you within 48h and propose you a time to meet on a video call.
I am asking you all of these questions before our call so that I can prepare our meeting and help you from the start, sharing some tools if needed.
Fill out the application here:
✓ You currently don’t have the support you need to move towards your goals.
✓ You are tired and exhausted, laking the motivation to change your situation for the better.
✓ You feel that if you take the actions to change something in your life, people around you will judge you, reject you and think that you are insane, they won’t understand you.
✓ You feel alone and stuck in your situation, not seeing a way out and highly stressed about it.
✓ You are dreaming of a different life, but feel scared to actually create the actions necessary to make it happen.
✓ You feel that you can’t get the lifestyle you want without the financial pressure. You have to choose between being free and happy or have financial stability and being responsible.
Let’s recap right now what’s happening.
Now imagine if.
✓ You speak your mind with confidence and compassion, not hurting anybody but with complete freedom of expressing your true self.
✓ You have an unlimited energy and excitement because you create concrete results, progressing towards your goal.
✓ You are heard and understood.
✓ You know who you really are, you are proud of it and don’t care about what people think.
✓ You provide enough income to create the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family, with no compromises on your freedom of time and purpose.
✓ You are courageous and feel so proud of doing the things you’ve always wanted to do.
✓ You deepen your relationships with friends and family, appreciating quality time that fills up your heart with joy.
✓ You have the financial freedom to experience and choose how you want to live your life and can now contribute to your community.
I know right now it feels far away and just a nice promise.
I used to dream a lot and live in my head, excited by what I would do “ONE DAY”.
I use to tell myself: “when the time is right”, “when I have more money”, “when I have more experience”, “when my kids are older”.
THEN I will start my project & live how I really want.
It all stopped when I was close to burning out, and I got my wake-up call from my friend Andrew dying at the age of 27. I was working completely out of alignment with my values and not caring for myself and my family like I wanted because I didn’t have enough time.
It’s then that I realized that I needed a thought partner to take me back to who I wanted to be and audit my life in a new, honest & compassionate way, removing my blind spots, giving me the courage and the accountability to do the things that were uncomfortable for me but necessary to move forward in a more aligned and authentic way.
The investment in time and money was scary to me, I didn’t have much self-worth so how could I invest in myself while we wanted to save money to travel and while I wanted to spend more time with my family?
Then I realized that I couldn’t love anybody else properly if I didn’t love myself and put myself as a priority to solve my issues. If I was unhappy and not in alignment, how could I teach my kids to be happy and follow their dreams while I was not doing this myself?
How could I teach my kids to be confident and courageous in following their path if I stayed stuck doing the things I have to do because I am a responsible adult and I feel that I have no choice?
SPOILER ALERT: Our kids do not listen to what we say, they watch us, and it’s how they learn how to grow up. In order to break the spell of “doing what you are supposed to do” to chase happiness and success, you can invest in yourself so that you get to do what you are excited about.
Your coach holds you at a higher standard that you can hold yourself,
because he/she knows what’s possible for you.
We will be a good match if:
✓ You are driven to contribute more positively to your world, inspire and feel proud of your impact.
✓ You love Life, Nature, Adventures, Playing.
✓ Your goal is to be happy on your own terms, even if it means a very unusual lifestyle, different from what everybody does, out of the box and crazy.
✓ You want to be financially stable to open up to more options & experiences in your life, without reducing your freedom of time or purpose.
✓ You know that you are meant for bigger things and that you have the potential to express yourself more powerfully so that you can contribute at a higher level.
If you are ready to sign up for the 6-session package, fill out the form above.
I've lived most of my life seeking external validation and subconsciously repeating the patterns of my parents. Now, through the consistent, authentic, and enthusiastic belief from Gaelle, I found belief in myself which launched me to find purpose, fulfillment, and love in the world.
— Alex Willen, Somatic therapist and coach
“Thanks to the Mental Hygiene tool led by Gaelle, I was able to feel relaxed and loving again. Synchronicities started showing up in my life by doing it every day, and I could never have had imagined how fast I got where I wanted thanks to her support.”
– Marc, financial advisor
“Working with Gaelle was such a blessing. I had left my contracting position and didn't have a clue what my life was going to look like. I just knew I needed a change. She went above and beyond my expectations. Over the course of four months, we had so many breakthroughs. She helped me find confidence in my passion and helped me find the words and courage to pursue my own business.”
– Rachel Fernandez, Visual translator
“Gaelle will rock your world! She will lead you confidently through your blocks and towards your goals with clear steps. I have up-leveled in ways I didn't realize were possible by doing her mental hygiene tool & developing my self-confidence.”
– Carrie, natural healer
Your investment includes.
6 weekly sessions
60 to 90 minutes on Google meet or in person at my farm in Fort Collins, CO
Educational training
From Martha Beck Wayfinder teachings, so that you learn new concepts and framework to feed your growth.
Google Drive.
Sometimes we need to exchange documents, worksheets, notes, so we use Google drive. This is where the sessions are recorded as well.
“I landed my dream job, after a very selective process thanks to the work with Gaelle. She was able to identify who I am, my personal history, my goals, my family, and my professional relationships and was able to create a program to prepare for my interview and develop the skills needed. It allowed me to regain confidence in myself and win.”
– Laurent, military fighter pilot
“I got a job after 10 years of being stuck & dependant on my family members.”
– Angela, Deli Manager at Wallmart

We all deserve to live fully right now,
however, most people wait for a tragic accident, a “Wake-up call” to start living authentically, creating deep and real relationships with people because they understand what matters the most to them after facing hardships.
Don’t be like anybody and wake up excited today with me, in a fun & loving atmosphere, before you lose yourself and any more years.
Yes this program will work for you even if…
✔ You are not sure what you want to do with your life, you are lost and doubting yourself every single day.
✔ You are in a complicated situation where you are stuck with not many choices left.
✔ You are over 40 >>> My question to you is: Do you have a desire to live fully, learn, grow & have fun? Then you have a young mind, and it’s not too late for you at all! Trust me, you can start living fully at ANY age!
✔ You are scared to live fully. Indeed growth is intimidating, but in order to be yourself, be excited about life again and be proud of yourself, you need to go out of your comfort zone and I will teach you how to bio-hack fear so that you do whatever the F..k you decide to! I have got your back!
Who is this chick again.
I was born and raised in France, moved 12 years ago to the US to accomplish my Masters degree and stayed because of a guy….
I am from the Basque region in France, I pride myself in being authentic, very honest and no BS, as well as super fun, adventurous and loving.
I have a lot of stories where I almost died, took huge risks that most of us would never even get close to, and they all finish by a funny story to tell people, a great lesson for me and a huge appreciation for life. I love humans, all sizes, shapes, colors, stories. They fascinate me and it’s why I travel the World and work with different cultures. The different perspectives are what makes the World rich and interesting to me.
Most importantly, I am living exactly how I want (homesteading, traveling, a lot of time for myself, lots of playing and adventures with my partner, contributing to my community, optimizing life-work balance, stress-free, 100% optimistic).
So there is never “too weird” or “not enough” for me. I will be excited by your journey and will take you where you want to go with compassion and pure love.
Your guarantee. My work ethic.
I know that life happens, and committing to 6 months today is a lot, so do not worry.
I am using the code of ethics from the ICF (International Coaching Foundation), and if you need to cancel your program because it is not the right fit or your priorities have changed, no questions asked, we stop the program. The only way I work is within “Win-Win” relationships.
What are your credentials?
On the Education background, I have Masters in Agriculture, Business & Plant Science (France and Colorado State University).
Certified under Martha Beck - Wayfinder Life Coach program
Finishing up my ICF certification
I won a Seed Accelerator Program in Milwaukee for my start-up and for a year was in an MBA program.
I have 9 years of experience running a successful start-up.
5 years being in International Sales Management using 4 languages (English, French, Spanish and Portuguese).
Certified Meditation Teacher.
I am a certified Green Roof Expert, with 9 years in design, installation and maintenance.
I am also studying EQ, Neuroscience & Communication > Not looking for any certifications, only developing knowledge, skills & practice so that I master them.
Are my sessions recorded ?
I place all of the recordings on your drive so that you can come back to them if needed. For in-person meetings, I do not record them.
How do we start?
We get on a call to evaluate what you want in life, and what you feel your obstacle is, so that I know if or how I can help you. If it’s a fit, you make the payment with a credit card (monthly or upfront with a discount), and you fill up an intensive form so that I know who you are in detail. I want the holistic picture before we start our work together. Then you get access to my calendar and plan your sessions. I prefer to keep a regular schedule, like on Tuesdays at 5 PM each time for example. When you sign up you get access to a few on-demand training that get you working right away.
How much is it?
The financial investment is a must for you to see results.
May I ask you how many “free webinars” you’ve done without results?
I am the same way, if I watch an awesome free training on youtube, I don’t give the energy after to follow the step or do the work. We need to feel committed to actually move our butt and do the work, it is why investing is a great opportunity for us, to give ourselves the chance to actually make it work (because we all want a return on our investment!)
It’s time to stand for yourself and activate “YOU”.
I am excited to get to know you, reserve a call now with me to discuss the “YOU” you feel you should be, reveal your confidence, and put you back on your authentic path to create some amazing things in your life.