What’s up!
Just like you, I’ve always known I was meant for bigger things and in 2008, I made a bold decision that would completely upgrade my life forever.
I followed my heart and suddenly didn’t follow the reasonable life’s path that was laid in front of me. I chose the crazy and exciting one that had no apparent future, except an immense feeling of love and being loved that I've never felt before.
I broke from a year-long relationship with my boyfriend to get engaged with a new guy named Tyson Wormus, only 5 weeks after we’d met.
I remember the next day waking up in his “dirty college bedroom”, looking at the pile of clothes that was on the ground and thinking: “You’ve just vowed that you will take care of this man for the rest of your life, you are crazy!”
This was just the beginning of creating my life on my own terms, loving, being bold and being adventurous. However the normal life caught up soon after because of the pressure of getting a good job to live well & secure in the USA.
It took a tragic event five years later to wake me up and realize that I was back at living life according to other people’s expectations.
When my close friend died
soloing the highest climb in Colorado (climbing alone without a rope), I became more afraid of dying an unfulfilled life than living a full life.
At 27 years old, and according to society standards, I was living a successful life: engaged, an executive job, traveling all over the US and working with the most talented and visionary architects, owned my house, freedom to go back to France every year.
Andrew was my husband's best friend, his body was found 2 days after his fall, at the bottom of the Black Canyon, which was the day of my husband's birthday, July the 5th.
When we received that call we both fell onto the ground. The pain stabbed deep into our adventurous sleeping hearts.
We were full of regrets because we had spent the last 3 years on the East Coast, far away from him, removed from all of the adventures that we could have lived together.
Just a few years before, at 23, I had been given a million dollar check to start a company and was very successful at it. To keep up, every weekday was a Marathon. My smile was a beautiful tool to keep others from seeing how stressed I really was.
I was faking it to make it! And I thought it was working so well.
My evenings were a timed routine,
involving a lot of beers, alcohol buddies, bars and TV to feel up my day and always be in motion. I didn't allow myself to relax as I was afraid of being betrayed by letting go of my real emotions.
I wasn’t sad, but I was mistakenly thinking that my drive in business was healthy, while it was fed on stress, low-grade depression, and lack of fulfillment. I was completely out of alignment and still very successful per society standards.
It took me only a few minutes to take the second biggest decision of my life. With the same intense clarity and confidence I had when I met Tyson, same level of irrationality:
I quit my job.
You might think that it’s not a big deal…
but it was for me because quitting my job meant:
Losing my VISA and becoming illegal in the USA 3 days after my work ended.
It meant losing financial stability and not even being able to find another job.
It meant that I had to hide from the police and if I got caught, deported back to France. I know what you are thinking: but you are french, not Mexican! Well happy to actually say that it is the same status, illegal immigration is illegal immigration, even if I am white and from Europe, the rules are the same, and getting a green card is not only very expensive, which I couldn’t afford, it also takes a lot of time!
It meant saying goodbye to my biggest accomplishment, only source of confidence and my identity as an industry expert.
It meant betraying my parents for leaving a secure job for nothing else and taking an irresponsible decision, after all of what they invested in me.
It meant going backward in time, living back at our parents’ house in the basement.
I became afraid of dying with an unfulfilled life,
a life in which I didn’t express my authenticity and dreams.
I promised to myself to start listening to my heart, and use my brain only to solve my heart’s desires! Why? Because Andrew taught me just this by living by these rules!
I quit my job and life started to offer me its deepest treasures, wisdom and wealth. Life became so much easier after that, and I comprehended that I had discovered a much different truth to living life, which was never taught to me and going against pretty much everything I had learned from my parents, School, MBA classes and Master’s degree.
After moving to Colorado,
my next huge irrational decision led by my heart’s desire was to purchase a lot of land to create our dream Homestead and unite friends and like-minded people. We didn’t have the money to afford it, it was 4 times the amount of our current house… While visiting it we both had goosebumps and started crying… I am not even kidding!
We knew that this was an important sign and had to put all of our energy into making this crazy dream happen. The Hows are not relevant, but they definitely could be pulled from a magic fictional book with fairies and dragons.
I now feel fully in charge of my life, creating it intuitively from a passionate energy. I am raising 2 boys and I am married to my soulmate, best friend, my Everything. Waking up everyday in paradise, in our Fort Collins, CO Commune & Homestead.
I realize that not everybody wants to step up in their authentic power and live a full life, but for the ones that want to, I will be there for them, because Andrew was there for me to teach me in a short period of time all I needed to know to create my dream life without any compromise, lead by my heart’s desires.
Dying an unfulfilled life is scarier than living a full life.
It doesn't matter for how long we live, we can have a huge impact, make a difference for someone else and live our dreams fully. There is no reason why we should wait,
NOW is the time to act.
Are you ready to take my hand and jump into your true self, removing the bullshit stories you’ve been told or are telling yourself?
It is scary and it’s why I am here for you, to align you with who you want to be, dream big, and through an action plan, step by step, make it real.
My first son is named after Andrew, to have the living reminder that I owe it to myself and the people around me to live like the Andrew we lost every single day of my life, what matters is that I live fully and support others in doing the same!