Mind Garden
A game of Resilience
Team up to face life’s challenges
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More about Mind Garden Game
Why is Resilience so important?
In a world of rapid change, equipping our kids with the right tools is more critical than ever.
Beyond providing love, we have a responsibility to equip them for life's challenges and opportunities.
True resilience lies in cultivating strong character traits like courage, empathy, and self-awareness. These inner skills are the keys to navigating life's challenges with confidence and finding lasting satisfaction.
How does this game help build resilience?
Mind Garden is a fun family board game that helps build essential life skills for navigating any challenge or opportunity that tend to drive you out of your comfort zone.
By ditching the technological distractions and working together, you'll strengthen communication and learn how to master skills like courage and humor.
Think of it as a playful way to boost your family's resilience toolkit! You'll connect with your loved ones, tackle relatable life challenges, and discover how to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Who are the geniuses behind this game?
Gaelle, a life coach and mom on a mission to improve mental health through resilience, teamed up with Steve, a maze and game designer with a passion for experiential learning and David, a prolific puzzle inventor and physical fitness innovator. Together, they poured their hearts into creating Mind Garden, a game that helps families build resilience and strengthen their bonds through the power of play.