Small bites of the Master Journaling Guide

"Journaling is like whispering to one's self and listening at the same time.”

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    I am offering to you a few exercises that you can use now to add to your mental hygiene practice...

    Master Journaling.

    Here is what you will learn:

    ✔ The most powerful journaling exercises in short videos and a pdf, supporting a complete life upgrade.

    ✔ How to shift your mood, fear or negative thoughts in a matter of minutes.

    ✔ How to build confidence around your vision and your character.

    ✔ The most powerful systems to create abundance of love, adventures and money in your life

    The Focus Wheel

    What is it?

    You create your Reality through your Focus. Learn how to master your focus and shift it one degree at a time where you want it to be.

    When to use it?

    ✔ Anytime during the day, multiple times if needed

    ✔ When you’re feeling Sad, Angry, Depressed, Lackluster, Lonely,

    Bored, or Negative in any way

    ✔ When you want to come up with a new way to deliver value or boost your relationship with someone

    How to use it?

    • Choose an area of focus and write it in the center

    • Fill out one section at a time with your best next thought with something you appreciate about that topic, you can start your sentence with "I believe that..." if that helps.

    • Build off from the first section and expand your thought about that topic.


    Journaling doesn’t have to be hard or just dumping words onto paper, with a certain frame you can get predictable results, and this is what I offer in this training.

    That means that with this tool you will:

    ✔ Lower your fear and eliminate negative thoughts in minutes.

    ✔ Have an unshakable clarity of who you are and your vision, and be excited about it.

    ✔ Increase your abundance around love, adventures, and money.

    ✔ Shift your mood in any situation in less than 10 min.

    Wait, who is teaching again.

    Meet Gaelle Wormus.

    I am a Life Coach & Biz Activator, a homesteader, a community builder, an International Sales Manager in the nutraceutical space and a Momma.

    After a burnout in my late twenties, working as an executive in charge of a very fast growing start up, I realized that I could work passionately on my own terms and be successful at it. Successful in my life means :

    ✔ Low stress life

    ✔ Energy aligned with a deeper purpose at work.

    ✔ Highly resilient & adaptable lifestyle.

    ✔ Having fun everyday and living adventures.

    ✔ Financially secure.

    These journaling techniques, in conjunction with the mental hygiene tool, are the foundation to my authentic happiness and successful lifestyle. They opened up a lot of opportunities for fun, business & connections.

    “These exercises gave me so much clarity and depth to my practice, I am going to continue using them forever! I tend to get into vicious circles and this put me directly out, back at feeling like my higher self.”

    – Laura, Sales manager

    What’s inside the training.

    This 1st part is all about clarity on who we are, what our vision for ourselves is, and embracing this new reality so that we eliminate the gap between what we want and what we are living.

    When the vicious circle of negative thoughts creeps in, or we wake up in a bad mood, it is often hard to get out of our funk smoothly and quickly. These exercises are to use anytime when you are not satisfied with your motivation, mood, or when fear paralyzes you to act upon something important, so instead you distract yourself and move onto something else. Here I teach you how to alchemize fear.

    Growing up doesn’t mean that we should be serious and have less fun. We often forget how essential playing and having fun is in our lives, so here is a great tool for you, ti create adventures in your everyday life. I teach you how money does grow on trees, and how you can have it flow in your life naturally, by taking care of few necessary areas in life. Finally, love is life, and either because we got hurt or nobody taught us, knowing how every day we can love is essential to our well-being, single, married, it doesn’t matter, you can learn a quick easy practice to increase it during your day.

    Your investment includes.


    For each Journaling technique, a video explaining how to do it correctly.

    A guidebook.

    where you can write down your journaling exercises, pdf format.


    Our busy lifestyle prevents us from taking the time to lay down our thoughts on paper. However, it is extremely important as writing connects our conscious to our subconscious. By adding some writing with the Mental Hygiene Tool, people experience fast breakthroughs in upgrading their life to what they desire.

    Yes it is still for you if:

    ✔ You have never journaled before

    ✔ You don't know what to write in a journal

    ✔ You don't feel you have the time for journaling

    >> Indeed, these exercises will guide you, they are easy to follow, and most of them take less than 5 min. to do.

    Your guarantee.


    You have 7 days to get your money back if you are not satisfied with the product.



    I am adding a special video where I share all of my tricks to increase reliably your energy during the day, adding the best routine when you wake up as well as when you go to bed. Super easy to implement it will give you this extra boost to tackle your day with more ease, energy, and fun!

    Grab the entire Master Journaling Guide.